
Japanese governmental agencies and corporations have been securing resources abroad and supporting infrastructure development in the name of “development” for developing countries. However, this “development” is causing irreversible destruction of local ecosystems and the lives of local residents. In some cases, people who are trying to prevent this from happening are faced with serious human rights violations such as violence and intimidation by the state and large corporations.
For local residents to build their own future, we aim to create a society in which decisions are made in line with their needs in an appropriate and democratic process. This will allow them to make decisions freely and minimize environmental and social impact. In order to achieve that, we monitor large-scale development projects in Japan and abroad and make policy proposals based on the voices of people on the ground.

Read more about Development

2024.04.122024.04.12Petitions and Statements

Comments to the Japan-U.S.-Philippines Summit

2024.04.052024.04.05Petitions and Statements

Indonesian NGO Urges JBIC and NEXI to Stop Considering Support for Muara Loboh Geothermal Power Expansion Project “Do not support a project that harms the environment and communities and causes human rights violations under the name of a just energy transition!”

2024.02.272024.02.27Petitions and Statements

Letter to Major Vale’s Shareholders regarding the Expansion Plan of Sorowako Nickel Project, Indonesia: “Stop the Resumption of Exploration that is Not Consistent with International Standards!”

2023.09.082023.09.08Petitions and Statements

Civil Society Organizations’ Comments/Reactions to the Vale’s “Our Strategy and Commitments – Statement on PT Vale Indonesia Tbk” dated August 29, 2023

2023.08.182023.08.18Petitions and Statements

Protecting the Basic Human Rights of Communities Impacted by the Sorowako Nickel Development in Indonesia! – Request Submitted to Major Shareholders of Vale for Appropriate Action to Prevent Complicity in Human Rights Abuses (endorsed by 104 organizations from 23 countries over the world)

2023.07.252023.07.25Petitions and Statements

【Open Letter】United States Sanctions Myanmar junta’s Ministry of Defence Japanese Government Should Immediately and Completely Withdraw from the Y Complex Project

2023.06.122023.06.12Petitions and Statements

Protect the basic human rights of communities affected by the Sorowako nickel project in Indonesia! Submission of a Request to Sumitomo Metal Mining for Appropriate Action as an Investor and Procurer

2023.04.172023.04.17Petitions and Statements

[Press Release] Serious questions over the withdrawal of ENEOS Holdings and other entities from the Yetagun gas project

2023.04.142023.04.14Petitions and Statements

Statement on Critical Mineral Acquisition from concerned members of the Environmental Panel for the C7 Climate and Environmental Justice WG