
Gas is not a “bridge fuel”. In order to prevent a catastrophic climate crisis, we must stop depending on fossil fuels including gas and oil. The environmental impact of gas extraction and development is massive. For example fracking, a method of gas extraction, has been banned in many countries due to its serious environmental impact. The pipelines used to transport the gas are often laid on Indigenous Peoples’ lands, and human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples have also been reported.


Press Release : Japan’s “Zero Emissions” strategy is a Greenwashing – 140 Civil society groups from 18 countries sent an open letter to G7 chair demanding support on swift, just and equitable transition from fossil fuels and not on “false solutions”


56 groups from 29 countries opposed to Japan’s promotion of False Solution – Japanese Government should commit to ending fossil fuel finance at COP27


Indonesian CSOs Submit a Petition to the Japanese Government: “No more prolonging the lifespan of fossil fuel and destroying the environment and livelihoods in Indonesia in the name of a ‘Just Energy Transition'”


[Joint Statement] The Japanese Government’s “GX Strategy” is soaked in fossil fuels: Japan should provide real solutions for decarbonization, but not false solutions like hydrogen and ammonia co-firing and LNG


Shareholders urge Japanese companies to take urgent climate action 


Japan Needs to Withdraw From LNG Canada – Serious Human Rights Violations In Coastal GasLink Pipeline


[STATEMENT] JBIC and Private Banks Must Reconsider Decision to Finance LNG Canada Project NGOs Strongly Condemn JBIC’s Decision to Provide Public Finance ThatIgnores Climate Crisis and Rights of Indigenous Peoples Ahead of COP 26


Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en – Stop Gas Development That Ignores Rights of Indigenous Peoples


CSOs Submitted Letter Demanding Japanese Mega Banks Not Finance LNG Canada Project and Withdraw from Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Project- Take Action to Avoid Serious Violations of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Climate Crisis!