56 groups from 29 countries opposed to Japan’s promotion of False Solution - Japanese Government should commit to ending fossil fuel finance at COP27

Fossil Fuels

Ahead of the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) to be held in Egypt from November 6, 2022, 56 organizations from 29 countries have submitted a letter to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to stop promoting false solutions against climate change and commit to ending support for fossil fuels.

The Japanese government is promoting hydrogen, ammonia and LNG as part of its energy transition strategy, drawing criticism both at home and abroad.

“The impacts of climate change are becoming more serious every day causing loss and damage to people especially in the global south. We need not only mitigation and adaptation, but also funds to address the damage that has already been caused. The Japanese government’s proposed plan, which relies heavily on fossil fuels, is like putting more fire on a warming planet," said Ayumi Fukakusa of FoE Japan.

Lidy Nacpil, Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) says, “Even though the climate crisis is ravaging people and communities across the global south, huge amounts of money is still flowing towards the fossil fuel industry. This is exemplified by the Japanese government’s proposal to mix hydrogen and ammonia with fossil fuels. We call on them to channel their capital instead towards more renewable energy systems, adaptation, and loss & damage now. Our people and planet deserve nothing less.”

On the same day, Indonesian CSOs submitted a request letter addressing to Prime Minister Kishida, titled “No more prolonging the lifespan of fossil fuel and destroying the environment and livelihoods in Indonesia in the name of a ‘Just Energy Transition.’" (signed by 41 organizations), and took action in front of the Japanese embassy in Jakarta to demand that the Japanese government stop imposing false solutions. 

Japan is the biggest financier for fossil fuel projects with public money. The report just published today by Oil Change International and Friends of the Earth US pointed out Japan provided an annual average of $10.6 billion USD between 2019 and 2021, the largest among G20 countries.

“Despite the G7 commitment to end public finance for international fossil fuel projects by the end of 2022, except in limited circumstances, the Japanese government is contributing huge sums to finance fossil fuel projects. The Japanese government is also promoting fossil fuel-based hydrogen and ammonia under the guise of “decarbonization,” but supporting such hydrogen and ammonia projects is no different from supporting fossil fuel projects and related companies, ” says Makiko Arima of Oil Change International.”

Takayoshi Yokoyama from 350.org Japan added “The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat has reported that even if countries implement their current targets, the temperature rise is likely to be 2.6 degrees at the end of this century. Drastic reductions are needed to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and gradual measures using hydrogen, ammonia, etc., are totally inadequate.”

We can not prevent the climate crisis without shifting from fossil fuels. With already severe damage, the Japanese government’s support for fossil fuels will only exacerbate climate change.

Please read our petition letter for the details. 


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