Climate Policy

The damage caused by climate change is becoming more serious every day … In order to stop the climate crisis, it is necessary not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also to implement policies that respond to and adapt to climate change as well as policies that respond to the damage that has already occurred.
Friends of the Earth Japan advocates for measures based on climate justice to be included in Japan’s climate change policy, and calls on Japan to strengthen emissions reductions and support developing countries with consideration for human rights and the environment.


FoE Japan and FoE US submitted the comment to NEXI on potential support for Cameron LNG (Phase II)


We protest against the adoption of the GX Decarbonization Power Supply Bill (a bundle of laws supporting nuclear power)


Open Letter: G7 countries must not leave room for fossil fuels, climate destruction


G7 NGO Press briefing on Climate Change and Energy – Voices from Global South


Statement on the G7 Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment – The Japanese government turns a blind eye to the climate crisis and the nuclear disaster


G7 progress on marine and ocean protection and Japan’s role as G7 Presidency in 2023


Petition letter regarding the Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment in Sapporo


Open Letter: Japan’s “Zero Emissions” strategy is a fallacy – Japan must support just and equitable transition from fossil fuels not “false solutions”


Press Release : Japan’s “Zero Emissions” strategy is a Greenwashing – 140 Civil society groups from 18 countries sent an open letter to G7 chair demanding support on swift, just and equitable transition from fossil fuels and not on “false solutions”