G7 NGO Press briefing on Climate Change and Energy - Voices from Global South

This year’s Environment Ministerial meeting again committed to decarbonize the energy sector by 2035 and touched on the necessity of phasing out all fossil fuels.However, it did not agree on deadline for coal phase out and leave the loophole for new gas investment. Members from both domestic and international NGOs will share their expectations from the presidency and key demands for just energy transition.
There will be a photo opportunity on the same day at 9:10 in front of NGO Space
Date/Time: Friday 19 May, 2023 11AM JST
* There will be another Environmental NGO press conference for Japanese speaking media from 12 noon on the same day and same location.
Conference Room 2, NGO Space in Hiroshima Youth Center(5-61 Motomachi, Nakaku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima 〒730-0011, around 3 minutes walk from IMC)
MC – Makiko Arima, Oil Change International
G7’s fossil fuel financing / Susanne Wong, Oil Change International
Report on Global day of action / Hiroki Osada, Friends of the Earth Japan
Gas expansion in Asia / Gerry Arances, CEED (The Philippines)
Japan’s dirty energy plan in Bangladesh / Sarmin Bristy, Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network (Bangladesh)
Demands from G7 from global south / Dwi Sauwng, FoE Indonesia
Voices from the Pacific region / Drue Slatter, 350.org Asia Pacific
350.org Japan, FoE Japan, Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES), Oil Change International
Contact (Phone/E-mail)
Ayumi Fukakusa, Friends of the Earth Japan(+81-80-6917-0794 (WA) / fukakusa@foejapan.org)
Masayoshi Iyoda, 350.org Japan (+81 90-3557-3610 / masayoshi.iyoda@350.org)
Tomomi Shibata, Oil Change International (+81-90-6335-4822 / tomomi@priceofoil.org)