Climate Justice Now! AWG-LCA全体会議での発言(2009.10.09)
FoE インターナショナルの参加するNGOや気候変動の影響を受けるコミュニティのネットワークである“Climate Justice Now!”が国連気候変動バンコク会合最終日に、気候変動枠組条約第7回特別作業部会の全体会議において、発言の機会を得ました。
LCA intervention
Mr. Chairman,
We speak as a member of Climate Justice Now! a network of organisations and movements from across the globe committed to the fight for genuine solutions, locally and globally, to the climate crisis.
In Bali, we were hopeful that Parties would address the lack of implementation of the Convention.
We looked forward to the engagement of the United States especially, in meeting up with its historical responsibility in finally taking on quantified economy wide emission reductions commitments, which will be comparable to the efforts of the Annex 1 Parties in the Kyoto Protocol as per the mandate of the Bali Action Plan under paragraph 1 b(i).
As we approach Copenhagen, we are outraged that instead of ensuring the comparability efforts by the US consistent with the meeting of commitments by Annex I Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, developed countries are abandoning the Kyoto Protocol.
It would be an environmental and social justice travesty to weaken Annex I obligations to make the deep and ambitious cuts by calling for a new single treaty that would allow for bottom-up national approaches instead of ensuring top-down aggregate cuts in line with science and strong international compliance regime. Let us be clear: the Kyoto Protocol is not expiring.
Only the first period ends in 2012 and the Protocol states there SHALL be subsuquent commitment periods. According to Article 3.9 it is ILLEGAL for Kyoto Protocol members not to proceed to a second period.
It is unforgivable for any Kyoto Protocol member to plan the death of the Kyoto Protocol and then try to replace it with something inferior with a lower level of commitment.
We have to find a way to ensure that the US lives up to its historical responsibility and take the deep cuts needed to ensure the survival of people and the planet. We ask developed countries not to use the US as an excuse to abandon their Kyoto Protocol commitments.
We also looked forward to the design of new and additional finance through democratic structures under the authority of the UNFCCC to deliver the much needed funds for mitigation, adaptation and technology transfer. We are outraged that these proposals are being resisted.
We have to ensure that the obligations under both the Kyoto Protocol and the Convention are met without bargaining one against the other.
We appeal to you, to hear and act on the concerns of social movements and civil society: New institutions and mechanisms are needed to deliver both the finance and technology needed, given their experiences thus far that the existing market mechanisms have not worked and existing institutions have failed.
The Bali Action Plan's mandate is to implement the UNFCCC – not to change it or its' foundation. To attempt to do so is both legally and morally unacceptable and will not lead to a fair, just and effective outcome in Copenhagen. In fact Copenhagen is now in grave danger of utter failure. There must be a change of heart now, if we are to salvage it.