Dear Shareholders of Mitsubishi Corporation


To prevent Mitsubishi Corporation from being left behind in the race to zero emissions

Did you know?

Mitsubishi Corporation’s commitments include a 30% renewable energy ratio in power generation, decarbonization of coal by 2050, and the promotion of ammonia, carbon dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS), and hydrogen-related businesses. The company says they are committed to protecting the environment and addressing climate change issues, but these are far from those contained in the Paris Agreement, which seeks decarbonization of society by 2050.

A recent report released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) (Net Zero by 2050) called for zero investment in new fossil fuel development after 2021 in order to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2050. Not only coal but also gas may become “stranded assets" in the future.

Mitsubishi Corporation should not only accelerate its efforts to eliminate coal, but also withdraw from other new fossil fuel businesses.

Indigenous peoples are protesting in Canada

Mitsubishi Corporation is involved in the development of shale gas and the construction of a liquified natural gas (LNG) terminal in British Columbia – LNG Canada project.

Indigenous peoples and local NGOs have voiced opposition to these developments and the development of gas pipelines, which threaten indigenous peoples’ lands and accelerate climate change. However, armed police are violently suppressing these protests.

Canadian citizens expressed outrage at the police crackdown.

Strikes in solidarity with indigenous peoples have spread across Canada

Photo: Michael Toledano

The United Nations is keeping a close eye on this project

The Coastal GasLink pipeline, which is being constructed to transport fracked gas to Mitsubishi Corporation’s LNGCanada project, is being constructed without the consent of indigenous peoples. Therefore, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is calling on the Canadian government to immediately halt the construction of the Coastal Gas Link pipeline project, the Trans-Mountain pipeline project as well as the Site C dam until they obtain their Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).

Mitsubishi Corporation also has its policy on indigenous peoples’ rights stating, “in the context of its overall commitment to respecting human rights, [Mitsubishi Corporation] pays special attention to upholding the rights of indigenous peoples, acknowledging their unique social and legal status under national and international laws, as well as their unique histories and cultural contributions throughout the world.”

Continuing this project would pose a reputation risk to the company.

Please speak with Mitsubishi Corporation

Please urge Mitsubishi Corporation to withdraw from the LNG Canada project and establish a stronger environmental policy.

Contact: Friends of the Earth Japan

