緊急抗議!バタン石炭火力への融資はやめて Urgent call for action #StopBatangCoal


English is below





1. JBIC前の抗議に参加する

2. Twitterアクションに参加する

①バタン石炭火力発電への融資はやめてください!#StopBatangCoal @Kantei @AbeShinzo
②バタン石炭火力発電所計画における人権侵害を無視しないで!#StopBatangCaol @Kantei @AbeShinzo
③石炭火力への融資はやめて!#NoCoalGoGreen #StopBatangCoal



As FoE Japan and other NGOs have reported before, there have been human rights violations around the Batang Coal Fired plant project sites.

The project proponents and the Indonesian government have failed to implement the appropriate environmental and social considerations according to the JBIC Guidelines. Hence, the Japanese government and JBIC must immediately urge the project proponents to ensure free access to the unsold farmland, to prevent any unnecessary conflict and so that the farmers can maintain their livelihoods.

Local communities in Indonesia have been subject to violence, intimidation, and human rights violations. The same is true around the world: March 2016 has witnessed the murder of environmental defenders Berta Caceres and Nelson Garcia in Honduras, and Sikhosiphi Rhadebe in South Africa. On the occasion of Prime Minister Abe’s state visit to the United States, the international community strongly asserts that intimidation and murder of local communities is unacceptable. Japan and JBIC risk enabling this behaviour if they were to move forward with financing for Batang.

The JBIC Guidelines encourage JBIC to deny financing for a project where a project proponent fails to undertake appropriate environmental and social considerations. Since clear violations of the Guidelines have occurred at Batang, JBIC should reject financing for the project ahead of the financial closure deadline for the project on April 6, 2016.

The Japanese government must refuse financing not just for the Batang coal project, but all coal projects in order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. As the leader of the G7, Japan must end its financing for coal projects and shift toward clean and sustainable renewable projects that will increase access to electricity without polluting local air and water or contributing to climate change. We appreciate your consideration of our concerns and hope the Japanese government will choose to end its financing for domestic and international coal projects.

> Read the whole statement Here

【Join our Stop Batang Coal week of action March 31 –April 5:】

★Come join our protest in front of JBIC building
★Date: 2016.4.1 8:15AM
★Venue: JBIC (map)
For Further information, contact hatae@foejapan.org or +81-3-6909-5983

OR Take Action from your computer, phone or tablet!

1) Take a photo of yourself holding a sign saying either
“Japan: Stop Financing Coal!”, “Japan: Stop the Batang coal plant! Or “Prime Minister Abe: Don’t fund human rights abuses & climate disruption!” Include your name and location (e.g. Jenny, Brooklyn, NY, USA).

2) Post your selfie photo to Twitter and/or Instagram and add it to our event’s Facebook page here. Be sure to include the hashtags #StopBatangCoal

See sample photos below and printable signs in Word, PDF [include link to print out sign]. On Twitter include @kantei and @AbeShinzo. On Facebook include @ShinzōAbe. If you do not have, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, just email us your photo (watch the file size, please), and we will post it.

3) After you post, email a link to us at jbock@foe.org.



