
Along the Gulf Coast in the southeastern United States, many fossil gas related facilities is being developed and people are affected badly by these development. Fishing communities suffers from the decreased fish catch, and local residents are suffering from health impact.

The Cameron LNG project is a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal project located on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana in the United States financed by Japan Bank for International Cooperation and many other Japanese actors are involved. The project (phase 1) is already in operation. An agreement was reached for Phase 2 development in 2022, with plans to add one more LNG liquefaction facility with a maximum annual production capacity of 6.75 million tons, and to increase the production capacity of the existing three plants. Existing plants have repeatedly caused leakage accidents and discharged harmful substances, which has also affected local fisheries.

Cameron LNG


[New Report] Faces of Impact: JBIC and Japan’s LNG Financing Harms Communities and the Planet


Webinar: Faces of Impacts: How JBIC and Japan’s LNG Financing Harm Communities and the Planet


[Press Release]Japan’s ‘disastrous and harmful’ LNG financing sparks protests around the world 


[Petition] Community Harms Must End: Japan, Stop Funding Fossil Fuels


Joint Statement: Prime Minister Kishida should cooperate with the US and the Philippines for true decarbonization


[Briefing] Japan Behind the LNG Expansion in the Gulf