Public Financial Institutions

Japan has provided a large amount of aid to developing countries, but most of the aid has focused on large-scale infrastructure development such as dams, roads, and power plants, which has sometimes caused serious environmental destruction and social problems. Similar problems have also been pointed out in private sector projects where loans are provided to encourage Japanese companies to expand their business overseas.

Japanese export credit agencies (ECAs) (Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)) and development aid agencies (Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)) have not been fully equipped with mechanisms and implementation systems that take social and environmental aspects into consideration. FoE Japan, based on its research and analysis of individual projects, have been calling for government agencies to develop and fully implement high-level environmental guidelines.


NGOs’ Comments to the Japanese NCP’s Final Statement on “Cirebon Coal-fired Power Plant Project- Unit 2” (Cirebon 2) in Indonesia


[Briefing] Japan Behind the LNG Expansion in the Gulf


Webinar Series: Listening to Voices from Myanmar: Session 2: Defying Shadows: A Myanmar Police Officer’s Journey to Defiance


PETITION: Immediately Stop Prolonging the Life of Fossil Fuels and Destroying the Environment and Livelihoods in Indonesia – Meaningful Participation of Local Communities and Civil Society in Just and Equitable Energy Transition


[Event]From Gas and Coal to Renewable Energy! The Light Night Event for a Brighter Future


Webinar Series: Listening to Voices from MyanmarSession 1: What Can ASEAN and Japan do for Democracy in Myanmar?


NuScale’s plan for a small nuclear reactor, funded by JBIC, is cancelled, questioning the accountability of public financial institutions – A joint comment from CNIC and Friends of the Earth Japan (FoE Japan)


[Letter of Request] Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) should forgo support of the Block B Gas Field Development Project in Vietnam


[Joint Press Release] Climate activists call on ASEAN leaders to reject Japan’s dirty energy strategy, scale up wind and solar