
Biodiversity refers to the state in which a variety of organisms form diverse ecosystems by interacting with each other. On the Earth, tens of millions of species have thrived by evolving for the changing environment since long before the dawn of humanity.

According to a recent report by a group of experts, about 1 million species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. The biggest factor is the destruction of ecosystems due to human activities such as development and overexploitation. Rich ecosystem services such as forests, rivers, and oceans are being lost, causing disasters and pandemics, and contributing to climate change. It is necessary to stop the chain of crises.

Friends of the Earth Japan conducts research focusing on issues of large-scale development and the logging of forests in Japan and overseas for the Japanese market, and urges governments and corporations not to destroy biodiversity any further.


Philippine and Japanese Civil Society Groups Urge Sumitomo Metal Mining to Suspend Nickel Mining and Processing Operations in Palawan — Concerned about Possible Expansion of Water Pollution and Community Harms


Letter to Major Vale’s Shareholders regarding the Expansion Plan of Sorowako Nickel Project, Indonesia: “Responses must be taken with respect for the community’s right to refuse exploration and mining.”


Help us celebrate World Krill Day, August 11, 2024!


Submission for the United Nations Secretary General Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals


World Penguin Day 2024


Letter to Major Vale’s Shareholders regarding the Expansion Plan of Sorowako Nickel Project, Indonesia: “Stop the Resumption of Exploration that is Not Consistent with International Standards!”


Civil Society Organizations’ Comments/Reactions to the Vale’s “Our Strategy and Commitments – Statement on PT Vale Indonesia Tbk” dated August 29, 2023


Protecting the Basic Human Rights of Communities Impacted by the Sorowako Nickel Development in Indonesia! – Request Submitted to Major Shareholders of Vale for Appropriate Action to Prevent Complicity in Human Rights Abuses (endorsed by 104 organizations from 23 countries over the world)


Protect the basic human rights of communities affected by the Sorowako nickel project in Indonesia! Submission of a Request to Sumitomo Metal Mining for Appropriate Action as an Investor and Procurer