2022.04.202022.04.20Petitions and Statements

[Press Release] 13 Institutional Investors Respond to Call for Engagement. Concern Expressed Over Japanese Companies Continuing Business in Myanmar

2022.03.262022.03.26Petitions and Statements

[Press Release] Civil society groups reiterate call on Japanese investors in Myanmar’s Yetagun gas project to responsibly disengage

2022.01.212022.01.21Petitions and Statements

[Press Release] Letter Sent to 125 Investors to Urge Japanese Companies Continuing Business in Myanmar to Stop Funding the Military

2021.10.142021.10.14Petitions and Statements

Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en – Stop Gas Development That Ignores Rights of Indigenous Peoples


#JapanStopODAtoTheTatmadaw Project


Pollution Exported by Japanese Companies: Water Contamination by Hexavalent Chromium Continuously Found around the Nickel Projects in the Philippines


Socio-Environmental Impacts of Japanese Foreign Aid and Finance