
Biomass power generation has been promoted as one of the renewable energy sources in Japan, but most of the fuel, such as wood pellets and palm oil, are imported from overseas. The rapid increase in demand is causing problems such as the clearcutting of valuable natural forests and biodiversity loss. Destroying forests, which have been formed over a long period of time and store large amounts of carbon both above and below ground, will increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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2023.04.112023.04.24Petitions and Statements

[NGO Joint Statement] Co-firing of Biomass in Coal Plants or Conversion of Coal Power Plants to Dedicated Biomass Power Plants is Greenwashing –Biomass accelerates climate change and destroys forest ecosystems

2021.10.152021.10.15Petitions and Statements

NGOs in Japan and Mozambique Request Cancellation of Biomass Power in Ishinomaki Calling It “New Form of Colonialism”

2020.12.032020.12.03Petitions and Statements

[NGO Joint Statement]Stop Biomass Power Generation with Large-scale Fuel Import

2020.08.312020.08.31Petitions and Statements

[Press Release] 35 Environmental Groups From 15 Countries Ask Shareholders of H.I.S. to Urge Them to Stop Palm Oil Power Plant – “Be a Responsible Shareholder”