【Symposium】Climate Justice Now! Japan's Role Towards Achieving a Just and Equitable Transition in Asia Pacific


The climate crisis is getting more severe day by day. In March 2024, the WMO reported that 2023 was the warmest year on record, with the world’s average near-surface temperature rising 1.45℃ above pre-industrial levels. On the other hand, at COP28, the parties agreed to “Transition from fossil fuels". While this is historic, realizing this goal is not easy. “Just Transition" – how to move away from fossil without leaving behind the workers, communities, and people who have been marginalized in current society – is now drawing much attention.

The experts and activists from Asian Pacific countries will share their experiences and insights on loss and damage in their countries, the challenges of so-called “false climate solutions", and the Just Transition.

Date & Venue

[Date] July 20th Saturday 2024, 2:00pm-5:30pm (Door open 1:30 pm)

[Venue] Hosei University, Ichigaya Campus, Sotobori Building, S406

   (Address) 2-17-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8160 Map is here

   *Online participation is also available. See below.


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*Spontaneous interpretation is available through the programme.

2:00 – 3:00 pm 1st Session “The Loss and Damage caused by climate change in Asia Pacific region”

Th parties to the Paris Agreement committed to limit the rise in global average temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. However, even with an increase of 1.1°C, severe climate disasters occur in many places. What is happening in Asian-Pacific communities? We will hear from the front lines.

  • The Loss and Damage in Bangladesh (BELA, Friends of the Earth Bangladesh)
  • Voice from Papua New Guinea (ProPublic, Friends of the Earth Papua New Guinea)
  • The Case in the Indonesia (WALHI, Friends of the Earth Indonesia)

3:10- 4:20 pm 2nd Session “Under the name of Climate Solutions ~False solutions in our regions~”

At COP28, parties agreed to “Transition away from fossil fuels". However, climate false solutions have been pushed forward in the name of climate change measures that continue the use of fossil fuels and create new environmental and social problems. What kind of measures are “false climate solutions"?

  • Fossil Fuel Extraction in Asia-Pacific Region (BELA, Friends of the Earth Bangladesh)
  • Plastic Waste and How it is connected to Climate Crisis (CEJ, Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka / KFEM, Friends of the Earth Korea)
  • The challenge of Japanese Climate policy (Friends of the Earth Japan)
  • Carbon Market as a Huge Loop Hole of Climate Actions (SAM, Friends of the Earth Malaysia)
  • Q&A

4:30〜5:30 pm Panel Discussion “The Real Just Transition ~What Japan can do for the Real Just Transition in Asia Pacific?~”

“What actions have you taken for Just Transition?" “What does the Just Transition mean for us?" and “What can Japan do/facilitate for the Real Just Transition in Asia Pacific? “

In this session, we will discuss the Just Transition people want and what Japan can do to realize it.

・Panelists will be from CEJ, Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka / LRC, Friends of the Earth Philipines / PENGON, Friends of the Earth Palestine / Friends of the Earth India / Friends of the Earth Australia / FoE Japan

Hosted by

FoE Japan, Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific, Hosei University Faculty of Intercultural Communication (as FIC open seminars)


If you have any questions regarding the symposium, please get in touch with us here.