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2021.07.162021.07.16Petitions and Statements

Japan must not be allowed to violate the G7 Leaders’ Statement- Supporting new Coal Plants in Indonesia and Bangladesh goes against the Agreement – CSOs Submitted the Statement to Japanese government (endorsed by 120 Organizations from 25 Countries)

2021.04.052021.04.05Petitions and Statements

JICA Must NOT Support Coal Plant in Indramayu, Indonesia! CSOs Submitted the Petition to Japanese government/JICA (endorsed by 8221 Individuals from 114 Countries and 112 Organizations from 34 Countries) ahead of PM Suga to Meet Biden in US

2021.02.022021.02.02Petitions and Statements

Five major insurers and asset managers say they are doing engagement with Mitsubishi Corporation – NGOs call for greater efforts to make Mitsubishi Corp. withdraw from new coal-fired power plant project in Vietnam

2021.01.252021.01.25Petitions and Statements

128 organizations from 39 countries demand Japanese government and companies to withdraw from Vung Ang 2 coal power plant project in Vietnam

2021.01.122021.01.12Petitions and Statements

[Petition] Appeal for Japanese government and private sector to withdraw from Vung Ang 2 coal power plant project in Vietnam

2020.12.292020.12.29Petitions and Statements

[statement] NGOs Strongly Oppose Decision by Japan Bank for International Cooperation to Support Vung Ang 2 Coal-fired Power Generation Project in Vietnam

2020.12.232020.12.23Petitions and Statements

[Press release] Japanese environmental NGOs urge major investors to divest from Mitsubishi Corporation to protect the climate

2020.11.132020.11.13Petitions and Statements

“JICA Must NOT Support Coal Plant in Indramayu, Indonesia!” CSOs Submitted the Petition to Japanese Government/JICA (Signed by 1218 Individuals and 107 Organizations from 34 Countries)

2020.11.092020.11.09Petitions and Statements

Indonesian and Bangladesh CSOs call on French government to stand firm against Japan’s support to coal in both countries ahead of the Finance in Common Summit in November