
Fossil Fuels
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In order to achieve carbon neutrality, the Japanese government is promoting carbon capture and storage (CCS) ...

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Community activists speak out against harm caused by Japanese-financed fossil fuel projects

December 4, Dubai, ...

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The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) opened on Nov ...

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August 11, 2023 is the second World Krill Day. Experts and organizations around the world are using this day to raise ...

Fossil Fuels
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Today, Friends of the Earth (FoE) Japan and FoE United States submitted comments to strongly discourage NEXI from sup ...

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On May 31, the “GX (Green Transformation) Decarbonized Power Source Bill” (a bundle of five amendments to ...

Fossil Fuels
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This year’s Environment Ministerial meeting again committed to decarbonize the energy sector by 2035 and touched ...