環境と人権のためにたたかったFoEインドネシアの活動家、命を落とす - 徹底的な調査と人権保護を


今月6日、インドネシア最大の環境団体、FoEインドネシア(WALHI:インドネシア環境フォーラム)北スマトラ支部のメンバーであったゴルフリッド・シレガール(Golfrid Siregar)が亡くなりました。34歳の若さでした。ゴルフリッドの冥福を祈るとともに、全ての環境・人権活動家の安全が確保されることを切に望みます。



 インドネシアでは、環境や人権を守り活動する人々の命が常に危険にさらされています。FoE Japanがともに活動するインドネシア・インドラマユで石炭火力発電事業に反対する農民たちも、一時弾圧としか思えない理由で投獄されました(http://www.foejapan.org/aid/jbic02/indramayu/180924.html)。日本もまったく無関係ではないのです。また、インドネシアだけでなく、世界各地で活動家の人権侵害や生命への脅威が増しており、英国の人権監視団体グローバル・ウィットネスの今年の報告によると、2018年には週に3人のペースで活動家が殺害されています(https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/environmental-activists/enemies-state/)。






ジャカルタ:人権擁護活動家のための市民社会連合は、WALHI(FoE インドネシア)北スマトラの活動家でもあった環境保護活動家・人権擁護活動家のゴルフリッド・シレガールの死に関し、迅速で透明性の確保された、かつ、実効性のある独立調査を実施するようインドネシア政府に強く要請する。ゴルフリッドは2019年10月3日木曜日の未明、頭蓋の重度の頭部外傷のため、非常に危険な状態で発見された。ゴルフリッドは搬送先の病院で10月6日の日曜日に息を引き取った。



ゴルフリッドは特に北スマトラにおいて、様々な環境保護活動や人道的活動に人生を捧げた。ゴルフリッドとWALHI北スマトラの仲間が行った様々なアドボカシー活動の中には、シアンタールにあるMitra Beton社の活動により被害を受けたコミュニティへの支援、リンガ・ムダでの森林への不法侵入や違法伐採問題におけるコミュニティへの支援、ラブビーチでの砂採掘会社に対する訴訟のための漁民への支援、そして、NSHE社に対する環境許認可を発行した北スマトラ州知事に対する訴訟のWALHI弁護団のリーダーとしての役割、また環境アセスメントにおける署名偽装に関する調査を中止した北スマトラ州警察の警察官をジャカルタの警察本部に報告したことなどが含まれている。



  1. 1998年12月9日に国連で採択された人権擁護活動家に関する宣言の第9条 (5)に述べられているように、国は、調査を迅速かつ公正に実施し、又はその管轄地域内で人権及び自由の侵害が生じたと信ずるに足りる合理的な根拠がある場合に確実に調査を実施しなくてはならない。
  2. 警察官は、法の執行プロセスの説明責任を果たすため、開かれた形で、ゴルフリッドの死を徹底的に調査すべき。また、北スマトラ州警察には利益相反が存在することから、この事件の処理は警察本部に引き継がれるべきである。
  3. 環境と人権の擁護者に関わる事件であるため、国家人権委員会は直ちに事実調査の独立チームを結成すべき
  4. その緊急性に鑑み、これ以上の冤罪や死につながる暴力が起きないよう、国に対し、環境及び人権の擁護者の保護を確保するための政策(大統領令)を直ちに発出することを求める。
  5. 政府は直ちに人々の命と生態系の持続可能性の保護を主要な前提条件とする開発プログラムを立案し、実施すべき。開発のために、人々の生命と生態系を危機に晒してはいけない。


Joint Statement of Civil Society Coalition

Investigate Throroughly the Demise of Activist Golfrid Siregar

Present the State to Protect Human Rights Defenders

Jakarta—The Civil Society Coalition for Human Rights Defenders urges the state to conduct an immediate, open, effective and independent investigation related to the demise of environmental and human rights defenders, Golfrid Siregar, SH, who was also an activist from Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia in North Sumatra (WALHI Sumut). Golfrid was found early on Thursday October 3, 2019 in a very critical condition due to severe head injuries in his cranium. Golfrid was the brought to hospital, until he breathed his last on Sunday, October 6.

The Coalition regrets the Police’s attitude to hastily state the cause of late Golfrid’s demise was due to a traffic accident. The Coalition considers that there are a number of irregularities found from his death. For example, unclear location of the incident (TKP). Initially, the family obtained information from the security forces that the incident happened at Jamin Ginting flyover. Then, the TKP changed underpass Titik Kuning. We suspect that the late Golfid’s demise was not because of a traffic accident however caused by violence that resulted in death. Moreover, the case of Yohanes Balubun, an activist for Indigenous People in Maluku, whose death in 2016 was claimed by the police as a result of an accident. Meanwhile, in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), an attempt to assassinate WALHI West Nusa Tenggara Executive Director Murdani earlier this year has also not been revealed.

As any other violence cases that lead in demise or attempted murder that happened in Indonesia and other countries, it cannot be separated from the activities of environmental and human rights defenders who fight for the rights of society and environment from threats of destructions by corporations, such as the loss of residential, livelihood, and environmental damage. Various reports from human rights organizations show that environmental and human rights defenders are very vulnerable to attacks/threats while working to expose human rights violations cases and serious environmental damage. 

In the spanning of his life, Golfrid dedicated his life for various environmental advocacy works and humanity, especially in North Sumatra. Various advocacy works carried out by Golfrid and friends in WALHI North Sumatra, amongst other are assisting impacted local community due to the activities of PT. Mitra Beton in Siantar, assisting local community in Lingga Muda from forest encroachment and illegal logging, assisting fishermen in Labu Beach for the lawsuit against sand mining company, and lastly serving as the lead of WALHI legal team of the lawsuit against  Governor of North Sumatra for issuing environmental permits with defendant of PT. NSHE, as well as reporting the police officers in North Sumatra Regional Police (POLDA Sumut) who stopped the investigation of forged signature case in AMDAL to Police Headquarters (Mabes POLRI) in Jakarta. 

The violence that lead to death experienced by environmental and Human Rights Defenders has long happened and been increasing, Indra Pelani, Salim Kancil, Yohanes Balubun, Poroduka, and now Golfrid Siregar, as well as the attempted murder of arson experienced by Murdani in West Nusa Tenggara. 

From the incident experienced by environmental and human rights defender, Golfrid Siregar, for the sake of Golfrid’s justice and his family, and for the sake of everyone’s justice, we urge:

  1. The State must conduct investigation immediately and impartial or ensure that an investigation is conducted in reasonable grounds to believe that violation of human rights and freedom has occurred in its jurisdiction. As stated in Article 9 (5) Declaration of Human Rights Defenders passed by the United Nation on December 9, 1998;
  2. Police officers to thoroughly investigate the demise of Golfrid Siregar, openly to the public to ensure the accountability of law enforcement process. Given the existence of conflict of conflict interest in North Sumatra Regional Office (POLDA Sumut), therefore we urge the handling of this case to be taken over by Police Headquarters (Mabes POLRI);
  3. The National Commission for Human Rights (Komnas HAM) to immediately form fact-finding independent team, because this case was experienced by environmental and human rights defender;
  4. Given its urgency, we also urge the state to immediately issue policies (Presidential Regulation) that ensure the protection for environmental and human rights defenders. Therefore, there won’t be any criminalization and violence act that lead to death;
  5. Government to immediately draft policies and carry the development programs that put protection towards people’s rights to life and ecological sustainability as the main prerequisites. Therefore, for the sake of development, it doesn’t put in line the people life threaten and ecological disaster.

We also invite public in general to jointly guard the law enforcement process towards the death of Golfrid Siregar. In hope in the future there won’t be any live taken for fighting the rights of the people and environment.  

For further information please reach: 

Jakarta, October 10 2019

Human Rights Defenders Coalition

Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI) – KontraS – Amnesty International Indonesia – Human Rights Watch – Yayasan Perlindungan Insani, Greenpeace Indonesia –YLBHI – ELSAM – Kemitraan – Imparsial – KRuHA, LBH Pers – HuMa – JATAM – HRWG – Solidaritas Perempuan

  1. Zenzi Suhadi, Eksekutif Nasional WALHI

Email: zenzi.walhi@gmail.com

  • Papang Hidayat, Amnesty International Indonesia. 

Email: papang.hidayat@amnesty.id

  • Ainul Yaqin, Yayasan Perlindungan Insani

Email: ainulyaqin@protonmail.com

  • Asep Komarudin, Greenpeace Indonesia

Email: akomarud@greenpeace.org

  • Yati Andriyani, Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (KontraS)

Email: yatiandriyani@kontras.org


