
SCHEDULEMonthDateHiking TrailMeeting Place and TimeLeader22(sun) 1(sat)Mt.Nabewari/TanzawaOdakyu Shibusawa St. at 8:15AM ...
International Symposium: 311, 11 years on – Learn about Fukushima and the world today, create a nuclear free tomorrow (March 6, 2022)

Almost 11 years have passed since the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, and the subsequent disaster a ...
[Press Release] Letter Sent to 125 Investors to Urge Japanese Companies Continuing Business in Myanmar to Stop Funding the Military

Mekong Watch
Friends of the Earth Japan
Justice For Myanmar
ayus: Network of Buddhists Volunteers on Inte ...
261 Japanese civil Society organizations send open letter to European CommissionNuclear energy that is neither “sustainable” nor “green” should not be included in the EU taxonomy

Today, 261 NGOs and civil society organizations working on environmental and energy issues
#JapanStopODAtoTheTatmadaw Project

Since seizing power by coup d’etat on February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military has continuously engaged in severe oppre ...
Statement: Ten years after 3.11— Justice for the victims and power to the people

Ten years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant ...