December 12, 2011
Watari District is one of the most severely polluted areas in Fukushima City. Since high levels of radiation exceeding 2µSv/hour are still observed across the District, Watari residents are urging the government to help them evacuate at least children until decontamination is completed.
To respond to the urgent situation in Watari District, we are launching the “Tsuchiyu Hot Springs Project.” This project will invite families in Watari District to spend a few days at hotels near Tsuchiyu Hot Springs located on the west side of Fukushima City. The Tsuchiyu Hot Springs area is far less polluted than Watari District: 0.1-0.2µSv/hour (1/10-1/20 of the radiation level in Watar).
This project will allow children to spend time away from high levels of radiation while helping the local economy recover from the nuclear disaster. The project will be managed jointly by Save Watari Kids, Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation, Citizens against the Fukushima Aging Nuclear Power Plants, and the FoE Japan.
>> Evacuation has started on January 27th!
Donations for the “POKA-POKA Project for Fukushima Children”
To carry out the temporary evacuation project, we need your help in raising money to subsidize costs of travel and accommodation for families in Watari District. We hope that as many families as possible can participate in the project to spend as much time as possible away from the high levels of radiation in Watri District. To donate, please follow the instructions below. We would also appreciate your help in circulating information about this project through blogs and twitter. Please help, and thank you!
>Why We Started the "POKA-POKA Project for Fukushima Children"
>Pourquoi nous avons commence le Projet Poka-Poka ?
You can make a secure online donation with your credit card via CANPAN Payment system.
>Click here
A. Individual donation: from 3,000 yen
B. Group donation: from 10,000 yen (We will publicize a name of your group.)
C. Endorsement: from 100,000 yen (We will publicize a name of your organization.)
*After depositing donations to the designated bank account, please use this form to tell us your name and the amount of your donations: https://pro.form-mailer.jp/fms/1715ebc124776
[Bank account]
-Name of Account holder: FoE Japan
-Bank name: CITIBANK
-Branch: Gotanda-branch
-Bank address: 2-2-3, Gotanda Hata Bldg 3F, Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo,
-postal code: 141-0022
-Bank account number: 94182663
Contact information:
Kanna Mitsuta, FoE Japan
Tel: +81-3-6907-7217 Fax: +81-3-6907-7219
POKA-POKA Project for Fukushima Children (Japanese)