FoE Japan
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「貯水予定地の強制立ち退きについて 独立調査を!」 (2002.08.29)


貯水予定地の強制立ち退きについて 独立調査を!

  It is a shame that the San Roque Power Corporation continues to deny the truth about the demolition, burning and forced eviction of the Bolangit people last July 27, 2002.
 Truth is - the demolition and burning of eleven houses and the forced eviction of more than twenty individuals including six children last July 27, 2002 really occurred.

The victims themselves plus two other witnesses - students of Community Development from UP Diliman who were conducting their field work in the area can attest to this truth. Affidavits have been made and will be used for any legal action on the matter. Among the victims of the forced eviction are Warlito Ortiz, Sr., Efren Bagitan Dusalin, Susie Tampuya Albay, Esmeralda Tampuya Albay and Rodolfo Albay.
 弁護士と一緒に進められた供述書の作成(2002年8月 FoE Japan撮影)

   Rodolfo Albay and his wife Esmeralda Tampuya Albay in their joint affidavit signed on August 28 stated that " In July 27, 2002, men in military uniforms removed all of our properties inside the house and brought them out including our children who were then sick, despite the storm. Consequently, all of our things got soaked. Thereafter, these people burned our house. Our children's sickness worsened after the incident;"

In the affidavit signed by Susie Tampuya Albay, she stated that "With the use of force, the agents of the SRPC and NPC, eject us from our house while the heavy rains was pouring at the time. The SRPC and NPC agents were assisted by two soldiers with long firearms and no nameplates in their uniform;"

The National Power Corporation (NPC) and the SRPC claim that they "helped move these stragglers to safe ground via helicopter, together with any possessions they desired to take with them." Their claim contradicts with the fact that the families with three children were left in the driving rain in Bolangit after the demolition and burning. A sack served as the tent of their victims throughout the night.

Instead of owning responsibility for the said incident and being accountable for it, SRPC has resorted to weave lies about the incident and has resorted to a cheap tactic of vilifying the Tignayan Dagiti Mannalon a Mangwayawaya ti Agno (TIMMAWA) and the Cordillera Peoples Alliance in its press release last August 8, 2002.

Only those who are fearful of the truth would resort to that.

The Cordillera Peoples Alliance calls for an independent investigation on the said incident to further probe into the incident and to deliver justice to the victims. The social cost of the dam is getting higher by the day which only shows the validity of the call for its non-operation.  
 地元の住民組織からの声明文 (2002.08.05)
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