March 16, 2013
“The Citizen-Expert Committee on Radiation Exposure and Health Management” with FoE Japan as the secretariat held an urgent seminar and dialogue with the government on March 7th over a subject as to “What should be done? A proposal from the citizens and experts to cope with health damages caused by radiation.”
At the seminar, Professor Toshihide Tsuda of Okayama University commented on the thyroid examination of children in Fukushima that a statistically significant “multiplicity” could be seen from the fact that three kids were diagnosed as thyroid cancer and seven as suspected patients among 38,114 kids in the evacuation district and called for a sincere response. Professor Susumu Shimazono of Tokyo University reported that a review is necessary to the current health care survey to the residents of Fukushima prefecture, because it merely focuses on thyroid cancer.
Dr. Makoto Yamada, a pediatrician, appealed a serious situation of the disaster victims and recommended that a system of free medical cost and application of health insurance be immediately implemented for a medical checkup. Dr. Hisako Sakiyama of Takagi School commented that a low-dose radiation risk is not at all zero either it is a cancerous or non-cancerous disease, which is explainable based upon the basic science and supported by epidemiological research results.
For the seminar materials, please visit the link below.
> (Japanese language only)
For the disclosed proposal by the Citizen-Expert Committee, please visit the link below.
> (Japanese language only)