Press release
6 July, 2011
By organizations and individuals calling for signatures
to discontinue Nuclear power poster contest
to discontinue Nuclear power poster contest
On July 6, organizations and individuals who are calling for signatures to permanently call off the Nuclear power poster contest had a meeting at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology with staff of the two offices stated below.
-Office for Regional Relations for R&D Facilities, Atomic Energy Division, Research and Development Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
-Public Relations Office for Nuclear Energy Regions, Nuclear Facilities Development and Nuclear Fuel Cycle Industry Division, Electricity and Gas Industry Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Signature site
The Nuclear power poster contest had been held every year since 1993 by MEXT and Agency for Natural Resources and Energy in order to “deepen understanding and recognition of nuclear power and radiation.” It was one of their campaigns educating the public that nuclear power was essential and safe. Following the accidents at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, they announced on May 11 their decision to call off this year’s contest for which 4.6 million yen had been budgeted.
Organizations and individuals calling for signatures strongly called for permanently calling off the contest that provided misleading information that nuclear power was “safe and earth-friendly,” and they also strongly called for halting or reviewing similar, nuclear power-related publications and advertisements.
Requests on future energy education
July 6, 2011
By organizations and individuals calling for signatures
to discontinue Nuclear power poster contest
to discontinue Nuclear power poster contest
We request the following so that you respond sincerely to the severe damages caused by the accidents at the nuclear power plant and have a fresh start to educate energy in future.
1.Please exclude from next year’s budgetary requests the “Nuclear power poster contest” which only promotes nuclear power and permanently call it off.
2.Please give us accurate information on damages and effects of the accidents, and potential health and environmental risks.
3.Please shift from the current “nuclear power education” to “energy education.”
4.Please accurately present risks as well as environmental and social effects and costs in terms of nuclear power. And also please show the whole life cycle of not only when power is generated but from uranium mining to disposal of radioactive waste.
5.Please educate in a way that children can think and select the use of future energy by themselves with a view to save energy and expand the use of natural energies.
Press conference video
Organizations and individuals calling for signatures (in random order)
Organizations - Citizens Environmental Foundation, International Environmental NGO FoE Japan
Individuals - Ikuo Sugimoto (President, Citizens Environmental Foundation), Akihiro Hatano (President & Director general, xChange), Junko Tanba (Environmental journalist), Jun Hoshikawa (Author & Translator), Shigeharu Shinomiya (President, Tosa-no-Mori Kyuentai), Kanji Fujino (Environmental counselor), Yoko Uchida (Kurashi wo mitsumeru kai), Takashi Miyakita (President, Kumamoto Environmental Network), Yoshimi Okamoto (President, am! Co., Ltd.), Harumi Noda (President, BeGoodCafe), Kiichiro Kimura (Imaging director/abovo), Tetsunari Iida (Director, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies), Takashi Tsuchida (Advisor, Tsukaisute-jidai wo kangaeru kai), Gaku Yamada (Tadasunomori Kankyou Gakushu Kenkyusyo)
Arikawa, Citizens Environmental Foundation (075-211-3521,
Yoshida, International Environmental NGO FoE Japan (03-6907-7217)