2003年12月に設立されたADBの異議申立制度(アカウンタビリティー・メカニズム)には、二つの機能があります。一つは、ADBの政策違反の有無 に関係なく問題解決を図る機能。もう一つは、被害を引き起こしたか、もしくはその可能性のあるADBの業務政策・手続き違反の疑いについて調査を行い、ADBによる事業の政策遵守を確保することを目的とし、そのための勧告を行う機能です。遵守調査パネルは、後者の機能の担当者になります。
遵守調査パネルについて詳しくはこちら >
■遵守調査パネルの最終レポート 勧告部分■
267. On the first category, the Board asks that Management take the following measures:
- review selected road projects as to how changes of scope may make the application of environment and resettlement policies difficult.
- review cofinancing arrangements in selected projects to determine if such arrangements have a damaging effect on policy compliance for the whole project, and make recommendations to strengthen policy compliance for these projects.
- develop additional guidance for ADB's Handbook for Resettlement: A Guide to Good Practice dated 1998 for staff to develop major infrastructure projects with borrowers with little or no comparable project experience, especially in Category A projects. The guidance should particularly address the issues of implementing agencies having adequate institutional capacity and resources in carrying out and monitoring resettlement and ensuring that appropriate legislation is in place to carry out such resettlement.
- provide to the CRP with a copy to the Board, by 31 August 2005, a course of action with timelines on implementation of these measures for the CRP's monitoring and reporting to the Board.
268. On the second category, the Board asks that Management take the following measures:
- assess the environmental impacts of the Galle access road and any stretch of the ADB section on the Final Trace (FT) different from the Combined Trace (CT) including consulting project-affected people.
- ensure the incorporation of the environmental impact assessments and the recommended mitigation measures of any stretch of the ADB section on the FT different from the CT and of the Galle access road in the Environment Management Plan (EMP) for the Project.
- review the cofinancing arrangements in the STDP with a view to strengthening policy compliance for the whole project.
- conduct an analysis of gender issues on the Project and ensure that the programs under the Project adequately address these gender issues.
- require that all affected persons (APs) be fully compensated by actual payment before they are moved.
- determine whether or not there has been a change of scope in the Project, as provided in Project Administration Instruction No. 5.04.
- assist in the income restoration program and the establishment of household benchmarks through the Management Information System (MIS) for the APs as called for in the Resettlement Implementation Plan (RIP).
- ensure that full project information, especially the essential elements of the RIP, be provided in an appropriate language to each affected household, rather than simply making it available at the district offices.
- help establish well-staffed monitoring of resettlement activities by an independent institution, forwarding concerns to RDA for urgent action from the APs.
- require immediate provision of utilities and infrastructure to resettlement sites.
- require a special emphasis in the RIP and the income restoration program for women, if necessary by the allocation of additional staff to track their recovery as APs.
- assist in the preparation of a detailed project framework for benefit monitoring and evaluation (BME) activities to include outputs, indicators of achievements, and means of verification on social issues.
- assist in the preparation of an additional assessment of project beneficiaries along the FT to establish baseline information for BME activities.
- update the Project Profile (PP), or its equivalent by the Project Information Document, on the ADB website, where the latest posting is 15 March 2000, at least on a monthly basis with full information for all categories, until the Project is brought into compliance.
- provide to the CRP with a copy to the Board, by 31 August 2005, a course of action with timelines on implementation of these measures for the CRP's monitoring and reporting to the Board.