FoE Japan
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English Documents


最高経営責任者  Stephen H. McVeigh 様

ESHIA (Environment Social Health Impact Assessment)に基づく

 私たちは、ESHIA (Environment Social Health Impact Assessment)に基づく日本およびサハリンでの協議に関し、貴社に以下の点を要望いたします。本件についての、貴社からのご回答をお待ちしております。

1. ESHIAに基づく協議のプロセスは、漁業関係者、先住民族、市民、専門家、NGOなどの利害関係者(以下、利害関係者)との合意のもとで決定されること。

2. 協議が行なわれる前に、現在の事業計画について詳細な説明や十分な情報提供を利害関係者に対して行なうこと。また、利害関係者が必要に応じて、事業者側の専門家と直接意見交換ができる体制を整えること。

3. 協議は、十分な透明性と説明責任を確保して行なうこと。情報公開の基準の明確化、関連文書のロシア語および日本語への翻訳と公開などにより、十分な透明性を確保すること。

4. 協議は、利害関係者がESHIAに関する評価、協議、参加のために十分な時間を確保した上で開催されること。協議の30日前の情報公開では不十分である。少なくとも120日間のコメント準備期間後、協議の場が設けられるべきである。

5. 協議は、利害関係者が参加可能な形式、言語で行なうこと。また、政治的あるいは経済的に弱い立場にある、または技術面での専門知識を欠く利害関係者がプロセスに効果的に参加できるよう配慮すること。

6. 協議は一方的な意見表明ではなく、利害関係者との間で事業や対策への合意がなされるまで、継続的に行われること。

7. 協議の結果は事業計画に取り入れられること。

8. 利害関係者と事業や対策への合意がなされる前に、第二期工事に着工しないこと。

以 上

連絡先: 国際環境NGO FoE Japan 神崎尚美
〒171-0031 東京都豊島区目白3−17−24 2F
Tel: 03-3951-1081, Fax: 03-3951-1084

北村吉雄 (網走漁業協同組合)
後藤真太郎 (立正大学)
佐尾邦久 (海洋工学研究所)
佐尾和子 (海洋工学研究所)
齋藤慶輔 ((社)北海道野生生物保護公社)
沢野伸浩 (星稜女子短期大学)
舟橋直子 (国際動物福祉基金)
国際環境NGO FoE Japan

サハリンエナジー・インベストメント社 Gerry Matthews 氏
サハリンエナジー・インベストメント社 Julian Barnes 氏
国際協力銀行 篠沢 恭助 氏
国際協力銀行 天川 和彦 氏
欧州復興開発銀行 Alistair Clark 氏
欧州復興開発銀行 藤本 進 氏
財務省 国際局開発機関課 石井 菜穂子 氏
財務省 国際局開発金融課 菅 正広 氏

12 June, 2003
Mr. Stephen H. McVeigh
Chief Executive Officer
Sakhalin Energy Investment Company LTD.

Concerned Japanese Citizens' Demands for Consultations on ESHIA
(Environment Social Health Impact Assessment)

Sakhalin Energy Investment Company LTD (SEIC) held two stakeholder meetings in Japan: one in December 2002 and the other in April 2003. On both occasions, however, the announcement was sent only to limited group of people. In addition, hardly any information was available and none was provided prior to the meetings. For these reasons, we, concerned citizens in Japan, cannot accept the meetings to be considered official consultations.
 Regarding the planned consultations to be held both in Japan and Sakhalin soon on ESHIA (Environment Social Health Impact Assessment), we strongly request the followings to SEIC. We appreciate your responses on these requests.

(Attain mutually agreed consultation process)
1. The process of consultations on ESHIA must be decided by common consent of all stakeholders including SEIC, concerned citizens, people related to the fishing industry, indigenous peoples, specialists and NGOs.

(Disclose sufficient information and explanations beforehand)
2. By a certain number of days before the consultations, SEIC must provide all stakeholders with enough information and detailed explanations of Sakhalin II phase 2 project plans. SEIC must also establish a system that enables all stakeholders to contact directly the specialists working with SEIC whenever necessary.

(Ensure transparency and accountability)
3. Consultations must be transparent and accountable. This can be done by, among other things, clarifying SEIC's information disclosure standards, translating related documents into Japanese and Russian and disclosing them.

(Allow sufficient preparation time)
4. Enough time must be given for all stakeholders to evaluate and consult about ESHIA before participating in the consultations. Releasing information 30 days prior to the consultations is not early enough. There should be at least 120 days to enable the stakeholders to prepare for comments.

(Be inclusive, with special care)
5. Consultations must be accessible to all stakeholders in terms of both the formality and the language. In addition, special attention must be paid to enable effective participation of underprivileged people, such as who are politically or economically vulnerable, or who lack specialized knowledge in some fields.

(Hold consultations continuously)
6. Consultations must be held continuously until all the stakeholders reach a mutual agreement on the content of the concerned project and on countermeasures to existing issues.

(Reflect consultation results to the projects)
7. The outcomes of consultations must be incorporated into the project plans.

(Do not start Phase 2 without mutual consent)
8. Phase 2 must not be started until all the stakeholders reach a mutual agreement on the content of the concerned project and on countermeasures to existing issues.

For more information, contact:
Naomi Kanzaki
Friends of the Earth Japan
3-17-24-2F Mejiro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0031
TEL: +81-3-3951-1081 FAX:+81-3-3951-1084

Friends of the Earth Japan
NPO Okhotsk Platform
Kazuko SAO, Ocean Engineering Research, Inc.
Kunihisa SAO, Ocean Engineering Research, Inc.
Keisuke SAITO, Wildlife Preservation bureau of Hokkaido Corp.
Naoko FUNAHASHI, International Fund for Animal Welfare
Nobuhiro SAWANO Seiryo Women's Junior College
Shintaro GOTO, Rissho University
Tomio YOSHIDA, Hokkaido Educational Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations
Yoshio KITAMURA, Abashiri Fisheries Cooperative Union
Yukiko WATANABE, Wildlife Preservation Bureau of Hokkaido; Corp.

Mr.Gerry Matthews, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company LTD.
Mr.Julian Barnes, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company LTD.
Mr.Kyosuke Shinozawa, Japan Bank for International Corporation
Mr.Kazauhiko Amakawa, Japan Bank for International Corporation
Mr.Susumu Fujimoto, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Mr.Alister Clark, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Ms.Naoko Ishii, Ministry of Finance
Mr.Masahiro Kan, Ministry of Finance

(c) 2002 FoE Japan.  All RIghts Reserved.

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